Sunday, July 28, 2013

6 things I (hope) I will never do again...

Learning to be a wife has been quite the learning process. :-) Here are a few things that figured out in the last few months that I hope to never do again. Enjoy! 

  1. I will never again clean the kitchen right before dinner
  2. I will never again let my husband put the toilet paper where I can't reach
  3. I will never again lay down for a nap right before he gets home from work. 
  4. I will never again try to 'fix' electronics that don't belong to me 
  5. I will never again attempts to cook cake without knowing the proper temperature to set the oven. 
  6. I will never again forget how pale my husband is before we spend hours at the beach.

laughs had and lessons learned. Hope you are all having a wonderful night!